miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010

Step by Step... I Learnt...

Brick, cement, sand, stone... brick, cement, sand, stone... and so on... Not to forget work, effort, pain...
I think this is how we build our life... in time... along the years...

We are the sum of our actions! We all know a lot of things, but we refuse to apply them. Don't treat the others the way you hate to be treated. But, in the end, sometimes, why we do exactly the opposite?

I am far away from being the most intelligent and beautiful and kind and generous and understanding and successful etc. person in the world. But I learnt some important lessons so far:
- I learnt to respect myself and the others, even if I do not appreciate someone, I don't offend her/him, better ignore that person;
- I learnt to speak less and listen more - this is a point I still have to work on;
- I learnt to enjoy small things like summer rain, the smile on a dear friend's face, the voice of a friend when he/she finds me nicknames a.s.o.;
- I learnt that I have a very few friends, but very close to my soul;
- I learnt that sometimes it feels good to put myself on the first place in the top of priorities;

- I learnt to think twice before I say anything... because once you say something you cannot swallow, a broken heart will always keep the scars;
- I learnt that one of the greatest mistakes I've done was to wish to be liked by everybody and to please everybody... this is for sure one of the best ways to fail in life;
- I learnt that friends are those who say "yes" also when you ask for help and not only the other way around;
- I learnt that a smile, a "thank you" or a "please" does not hurt at all;
- I learnt not to tag anyone according to what people say, but to have my own opinion about the others;
- I learnt...
And also the things I will learn from now on are very important! :)
I am lucky to have great people around me who I have a lot of things to learn from!

11 comentarii:

  1. Beautiful photograph Adella.
    Great narrative.

  2. Everything you wrote is so real!

    The only problem is that at the end of the road we realize that we are just peoples and we do so many mistakes in life even if sometimes we do know that we are wrong

  3. Foarte frumos spus. Viaţa e toată o lecţie... pe care nu toţi o pot învăţa.

  4. Şi oamenii din jur sunt specializaţi în dat şuturi...

  5. -> Costas: Thank you! :)
    -> Radu: In my opinion, it is ok to make mistakes, it means you are active and wish to progress and try to change things and so on... The stupidity consists in not learning anything from the mistakes...
    -> Mirela: Eu invat cate ceva in fiecare zi... Stii cum se spune, cel mai inteligent este sa inveti din greselile celorlalti, dar e bine daca invatam si din cele proprii... :)
    -> Catalin F.: Nu, de la aceia nu am ce invata! De fapt, am: ASA NU!!! Da, sunt multi si chiar in anumite medii este incurajat un astfel de comportament, dar nu sunt adepta...

  6. in engleza?? scrie draga sa intelegem si noi... vorba unei cunostinte MD (adica PLM in engleza :)))

  7. -> Vlad/Radio Whisper: Bine ai venit! Multumesc pentru aprecieri! :)
    -> Bogdan: Toti cei care viziteaza acest blog, din obisnuinta (oare?!?!?) sau din intamplare, vorbesc cel putin limba engleza... :)
    Mai "rau" o sa fie cand o sa ma gandesc sa imi exersez germana aici... :)
    -> Ian: Bienvenue! :) Je te remercie de ta visite!
    Cdt, Adela

  8. Foarte profund!!
    Pacat ca putini avem in viata de zi cu zi o astfel de conduita. Pacat ca putini ne educam copiii dupa astfel de principii, iar cei ce o fac, sunt pusi uneori in situatia de a se intreba: "Oare am facut bine ca l-am educat astfel ?" "Va supravietui, in jungla in care traim ?"


  9. din pacate de cele mai multe ori ne invatam lectiile de viata luand suturile de rigoare, sau mai bine zis pe principiul ce nu ne omoara ne face mai puternici... sau macar mai intelepti

  10. Frumos scris (adică citeţ! :) ) dar greu de pus în aplicare. Asta nu înseamnă că nu trebuie să aplicăm aceste principii.

    O singură remarcă pentru sublinierea importanţei ideii. Suntem cumulul EFECTELOR acţiunilor

    P.S vezi că autorul comentariului cu acel post de radio este spammer de bloguri. Poţi să-l ştergi. Apare pe multe bloguri...



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