vineri, 24 decembrie 2010

Craciun fericit! / Merry Christmas! :)

Sa fim sanatosi, fericiti, iubiti, sa iubim, sa avem parte de oameni cu suflet cald, bun si ganduri sincere in jurul nostru, sa ne ocoleasca grijile, sa ne bucuram de tot ce este frumos, sa uitam de aciditati si invidie, sa impartim cu cei de langa noi realizarile si sa intindem mereu o mana de ajutor atunci cand este nevoie, sa fim altruisti si sa transformam in realitate tot ce ne propunem!
Craciun fericit si Sarbatorile cu bine!


The text in English written below is not a translation of the one in Romanian here-above. :)

I wish you all health, happiness, joy, nice people around and may you enjoy lots of wonderful moments together with your beloved ones!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

marți, 21 decembrie 2010

Another Portrait :)

Ultimately what you are at the outside comes from what you are at the inside.
I consider that people with a warm and kind soul are more beautiful! 

duminică, 19 decembrie 2010

I Wish The Rain To...

I wish the rain to wash away all the sorrow and sickness in the world! All the bad and false feelings in people's heart! I wish the rain to wash away all the envy and malice among people!
At least in this period of the year! And for the rest of the days from now on!

sâmbătă, 18 decembrie 2010

Going Ahead

After a few days we celebrate a New Year... I do hope it will be a very happy, healthy and lucky New Year for everybody.
Soon I will check the list of objectives set-up for 2010 and draft the one for 2011. Personal and professional accomplishments, dreams come true, things I would have loved to happen, but still not...
I enjoy the friendships I strengthened and the new people that came into my life this year... Paths and people and dreams and hopes and love and smiles and tears from time to time and so much more... We have all the reasons to love life!!! :)

joi, 16 decembrie 2010

Staffetta dell'amicizia :)

A picture I like a lot. Subjective. :) Taken during a photo-trip held in November among my friends with the same passion for photography. :)
And because Veronique was so cute and made me work... here-below there are the answers to some specific questions. :)
I will respond in Romanian, hope the web translator will be OK... :) If not, I will translate the text if required. :)

Staffetta dell'amicizia :)

In copilarie, cand erati mica:

1. Ce raspundeati la intrebarea: ce vrei sa te faci cand vei fi mare?
R: :) In ordine cronologica: inginer, profesoara de limba engleza, medic veterinar, avocat, economist... :)

2. Care erau desenele animate preferate?
R: Tom si Jerry, Mihaela, 101 Dalmatieni, toate desenele de la Disney, Lidia in jurul lumii, Alice in tara minunilor, Strumfii si mai "prindeam" unele desene animate de la Chisinau inainte de '89, la ora 8 seara. :)

3. Care a fost cea mai frumoasa zi de nastere sarbatorita si de ce?
R: Nu-mi aduc aminte de o zi de nastere sarbatorita in mod special, dar stiu ca de fiecare data aveam un super tort. Yummy!!! :)

4. Ce jocuri preferate aveati?
R: Ma jucam in special cu papusile si masinutele. :) Nu-mi aduc aminte sa fi avut vreun joc preferat. Mai jucam "Nu te supara frate". Am o sora. :)

5. Ce va doreati sa faceti neaparat si inca nu ati reusit?
R: Si din pacate nici nu o sa reusesc. Sa nu mai existe deloc copii necajiti si animale in suferinta. :(

6. Care a fost prima pasiune sportiva si nu numai?
R: Atletism (am obtinut o diploma cu locul I pe judet la 1500 m :)). Pian (de la 6 la 18 ani, din pacate anii trec si lista exercitiului se simte... :( dar de Craciun o sa cant din nou :)).

7. Care a fost primul cantaret/grup muzical preferat?
R: Bon Jovi. :) Dar prima caseta a fost cu Vaya Con Dios. :) Si urmatoarele doua casete: Roxette si Queen. :) Ce vremuri... :)

8. Cel mai frumos obiect cerut (eventual primit) lui Mos Craciun, Mos Nicolae?
R: Nu am cerut nimic in mod special Mosilor, dar mereu am primit daruri tare frumoase! :)
Si... predau stafeta... lui Lav, Mirelei si Monicai. :)

luni, 13 decembrie 2010


Another picture taken from the window of the box I live in during the day... :)
A nice rainbow (aka R.O.G.V.A.I.V. - the colors in Romanian :))! 

duminică, 12 decembrie 2010

It's All About Communication! :)

In any given context, communication is essential! And like I said before, it is not the message the most important one, but what the others understand from the messages we transmit. 
Hard to say I am extremely sociable, but I like to think I developed along the years some communication skills... 
Manu, Alina, Alina and Ana didn't forget to smile despite the cold weather! :) And it seemed they enjoyed the time spent that afternoon at Mogosoaia Castle!

sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010

Just Smile! :)

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Some years ago I have been told to smile while answering the phone because the smile could be heard... I still believe that.
When I am sad I try to smile. When I am tired I try to smile. When the others get nervous... I try to smile, but I do not... :) I just stay calm. :)
A smile does not hurt! Trust me on this! So... smile!!!!! Winter Holidays are coming!!!!! :)

In the photo: Manuela! :) 

vineri, 3 decembrie 2010

Fun Among Friends

Some know a lot of people, but have only a very few true friends. Present in their life for ages. Or "newer" friends, but there to stay for a life time.
Some call friends the people they met a few days or weeks ago... People that come and go... And they make new "friends" and so on...
I believe in friendships that last forever. I do not trust people who make "friendships" so easily and lose them even faster...

In the image... four friends that ignored the unfriendly weather and enjoyed the time spent together! :)

joi, 2 decembrie 2010

Mami and Tati

Mommy and Daddy... :)
Whoever wants flags, I can make some for them... :) With customized text and color, of course! :)

miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010

Mom to Be

Next January... :)

marți, 30 noiembrie 2010


The portrait of a dear colleague of mine! :)

duminică, 28 noiembrie 2010

Va rog!!!

Votati proiectul "Pot sa invat si eu!"!!! Mai sunt 2 zile!

Accesati, sectiunea "Orasul tau", din lista derulanta alegeti "Voteaza proiectul lunii", din pagina deschisa alegeti "Creare cont", dupa inregistrare veti primi un mail de activare si dupa aceea puteti vota. 
Votati proiectul "Pot sa invat si eu!" al Asociatiei Little People Romania.

Proiectul se adreseaza copiilor bolnavi de cancer intre 6 luni si 18 ani internati in sectia de Oncopediatrie a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenta pentru Copii ,,Sfanta Maria” din Iasi.

Asociatia Little People Romania doreste sa creeze in premiera in zona Moldovei o camera performanta de joaca si terapie, la standardele spitalelor europene in ceea ce priveste igiena, siguranta si echipamentul, care sa ofere modalitati si materiale creative de educare, obiecte si mobilier de cea mai buna calitate care sa raspunda nevoilor copiilor internati pe sectia de oncopediatrie a spitalului. In anul 2000, Little People a creat un program care sa vina in sprijinul pacientilor bolnavi de cancer pediatric, recunoscut sub numele de Program de Asistenta al Pacientilor replicat in momentul de fata in toate sectiile oncopeditrice principale din tara in: Cluj, Timisoara, Bucuresti si Iasi (incepand cu data de 1 noiembrie 2010). Dorim sa implementam aceasta metoda "Asistenta a Pacientilor" si la Spitalul "Sfanta Maria” din Iasi, iar personalul specialist angajat alaturi de voluntari instruiti si coordonati de Little People sa ofere servicii de cea mai buna calitate copiilor.

Mai puteti vota luni, 29/11, si marti, 30/11! Avem nevoie de voturile voastre pentru a castiga! Inseamna doar cateva momente din timpul vostru, dar atatea momente frumoase pentru copiii internati in Spitalul "Sfanta Maria" din Iasi! Putem sa ramanem indiferenti sau putem sa ii ajutam pe cei care fac lucrurile sa se intample!
Puteti vota o singura data, pentru ca activarea contului se realizeaza pe adresa de mail. Dar puteti sa transmiteti mesajul mai departe prietenilor, colegilor si celor pe care ii cunoasteti!
Votul vostru chiar conteaza!!!

Multumim din suflet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

miercuri, 24 noiembrie 2010

marți, 23 noiembrie 2010

Beautiful Romania (6)


Location: Mogosoaia Palace or Brancoveanu Palace ("Palatul Brancovenesc"), Mogosoaia, Ilfov County

Mogosoaia Palace is situated about 10 kilometres from Bucharest, the capital of Romania. It was built between 1698-1702 by Constantin Brancoveanu in what is called the Romanian Renaissance style or  Brancovenesc style, a combination of Venetian and Ottoman elements. The palace bears the name of the widow of the Romanian boyar Mogoş, who owned the land it was built on. The Palace was to a large extent rebuilt in the 1920s by Marthe Bibesco. 
The Palace had been given to Marthe by her husband, George Bibesco, who later also deeded the land to her. She spent all her wealth from the many books she wrote in its reconstruction and it became the meeting place for politicians and international high society, a quiet retreat during the growing turmoil of the 1930s. Prince George died in 1941 and was buried in the small, white 1688 church on the grounds of the Palace.
The Palace is now a popular tourist destination, but although the grounds and gardens are beautiful, the interior of the palace itself is under reconstruction and presently houses a museum and art gallery ("Muzeul de Arta Brancoveneasca"). 
During the second world war, Prince Antoine Bibesco (a cousin of George Bibesco) and his wife, Elizabeth Bibesco, refused to flee the country despite their outspoken anti-fascist opinions. Elizabeth spent considerable time during these years visiting Marthe Bibesco at Mogosoaia and when Elizabeth died of pneumonia on April 7, 1945 she was buried in the Bibesco family vault on the grounds of Mogoşoaia. It may surprise visitors to see her grave here with its poignant epitaph in English - "My soul has gained the freedom of the night." Neither Elizabeth Bibesco's husband, Antoine, nor George Bibesco's wife, Marthe, could be buried beside them, as they both died during the communist regime.

References taken from here. :)

duminică, 21 noiembrie 2010

Stairs to the Past

Past is important! But... “Don’t let the past steal your present!” – Cherralea Morgen

sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie 2010

Hunters... Photo Hunters

Really nice to begin Sunday among your friends... no matter the early hour... :)

Chat Above All

Lately we rather meet each other on Internet (blogs, social websites etc.) instead of cafes, pubs, parks. We post photos of us on Internet (where else?!) so we keep pace with time. Perhaps soon enough our real life will be replaced by a cyber one...
I remain faithful to the classic rendezvous. :) 

sâmbătă, 13 noiembrie 2010


... of a man's hands... during a friends' meeting...

miercuri, 10 noiembrie 2010

Late Fall?

It seems the roses from my jardiniere ignore the late fall... They do not mind November came. :) Just grow strong and beautiful!
Like people should... no matter the season... no matter what...

"Great people build monuments from the stones that their critics throw at them." – Dan Sheehan

duminică, 7 noiembrie 2010

Bucharest - Fall, Fog and 14th Floor

This is what I can see from the office window... these days...
Some buildings smile to the photo camera, some are covered by the thick fog... But fall is full of beautiful colors and landscapes... I would like to travel every weekend outside the city... just to enjoy the nature...
Until then I enjoy reading... :)

"It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide

"The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire." - Ferdinand Foch

miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2010

The Cat House

The Cat House is a building situated in old town Riga, the capital of Latvia. It was built in 1909 according to the blueprint of architect Friedrich Scheffel. The building is styled as medieval architecture with some elements of Art Nouveau. It is known for the two cat sculptures with arched backs and raised tails on its roof. It is said that the owner of the house wanted the cats to be placed with their tails turned towards the house of the Great Guild, which is nearby, as he held a grudge against its members. It was later ordered that cats should be turned to face the guildhouse.

The legend known by most Rigans, which is also told to tourists, comes in at least two versions. One version of the legend has it, that the wealthy tradesman who commissioned the building was refused membership of the Riga Tradesman Guild, mostly just called the Great Guild. The central element of both versions is the anecdote, that seeking retribution, the tradesman had two copper statues of angry-looking cats with arched backs and raised tails placed on the turret rooftops with their tails turned towards the house of the Great Guild, situated across the street. 

The other and perhaps older version of the cat legend has it, that the wealthy tradesman placed the two statues of angry-looking cats on the building turret rooftops with their tails towards the Riga Town Hall, following a dispute with the Riga City Council, after which he urged the erection of the building. The Riga Town Hall at the time was in the same direction as the Great Guild, but it burned down during World War II, was demolished 1954 and only rebuilt at the very same place in the years 2000-2001.

References taken from here. :)

joi, 28 octombrie 2010

More Than Words

I just love this song... it may be considered a dedication... :)

miercuri, 27 octombrie 2010

Pentru ca sunt convinsa...

... ca impreuna putem schimba ceva in lumea aceasta plina din ce in ce mai mult cu oameni care uita de reguli si principii... uita sa fie oameni, prea lacomi dupa nimicuri materiale si faima falsa si trecatoare... Nici nu conteaza domeniul de activitate, cu cat nivelul este mai ridicat si mediul mai sofisticat, cu atat jocurile sunt mai murdare.

Imaginea este preluata de pe blogul lui Dragos Bucurenci. Merita citita postarea lui. 

Doamna Profesoara Florica Banu are nevoie de banuti pentru a putea beneficia rapid de o interventie chirurgicala in strainatate. Este in prezent internata intr-un spital din Bonn si se afla sub tratament. Nu o cunosc personal, dar este imposibil sa ramai pasiv la un astfel de caz. 

Conturile Doamnei Banu sunt deschise la BCR:
LEI: RO64RNCB0318044002500001
EUR: RO06RNCB0075044002500003

Imi aduc si eu aminte cu drag de majoritatea profesorilor din scoala generala si liceu (pe vremea aceea se mai facea scoala...), oameni de la care am invatat enorm de mult si care mi-au ramas in suflet. Si cand ma gandesc la tratamentul pe care il sufera cadrele didactice (si cadrele medicale) in ziua de azi din partea autoritatilor...

Putem trece indiferenti pe langa astfel de cazuri sau putem sa ne alaturam celor care cred cu tarie ca impreuna putem schimba ceva!

vineri, 22 octombrie 2010

Dincolo de ziduri / Beyond the Walls

Construim ziduri caramida cu caramida... Inaintam in viata pas cu pas... Ne cladim viitorul vis cu vis...
Ma intreb ce se intampla cand un zid se prabuseste si tot ce este dincolo este complet necunoscut pentru noi... 
Ne ascundem dupa ruine sau exploram o lume noua?


We build walls brick by brick... We go ahead in life step by step... We consolidate our future dream by dream...
I wonder what happens when a wall falls apart and everything on the other side is completely unknown for us...
We hide ourselves behind the ruins or we explore a new world?

sâmbătă, 16 octombrie 2010

joi, 14 octombrie 2010

Mai este o zi pentru inscrieri si... START!!!

Un curs extrem de util si interesant, cu lectori profesionisti, cu experienta si foarte bine pregatiti!

Pe scurt, despre curs...

  • Calibrarea monitorului si linializarea cu dispozitivele folosite
  • Tipuri de fisiere de imagine
  • Rezolutii, modele si spatii de culoare
  • Prezentare generala
  • Importare imagini
  • Organizare fotografii, librarii, cataloage
  • Procedee, procese si etape de lucru
  • Personalizarea interfetei
  • Editare imagini
  • Export in diverse formate
  • Deschiderea fisierelor in editoare externe (Photoshop)
  • Prezentare de imagini (slideshow)
  • Creeare de galerie web
  • Aplicatii practice
  • Introducere
  • Personalizare si spatii de lucru
  • Prezentare unelte de lucru si meniuri
  • Tehnici de imbunatatire a imaginii
  • Selectii
  • Layere (Straturi)
  • Canale
  • Masti
  • Redimensionari
  • Aplicatii practice
  • Fotografia alb negru, duotone, sepia
  • Efecte de text
  • Compunere de imagini
  • Filtre
  • Camera RAW
  • Pregatirea documentelor pt. print
  • Prezentare generala
  • Editare primara
  • Suita software Canon, Nikon
  • Alte programe si plugin-uri.

Durata cursului: octombrie – decembrie 2010.
Data de incepere a cursului: 18 octombrie 2010.
Taxa cursului: 1400 lei.
Cursantii Clasei de fotografie beneficiaza de o reducere de 100 de lei.
Taxa cursului poate fi achitata in 2 rate : 50% la inscriere si 50% in decurs de o luna.
Inscrierile se fac in perioada 1 septembrie – 15 octombrie 2010, zilnic (luni – vineri) la casieria Universitatii Populare „Ioan I. Dalles”, intre orele 10.00 -19.00.
Pentru inscrieri si informatii suplimentare contactati, va rog:,, Tel: 021 314 66 37.

Mai multe informatii aici.

miercuri, 13 octombrie 2010

Vine si pleaca... sau nu...

Paula Seling - Rad cand imi vine sa plang
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... greu de inteles de ce pleaca... Sau cand si cum si unde s-a scurs timpul... Uneori e mai bine sa plece... 
De ce a mai venit daca tot pleaca? Mai bine ca a venit... Urmele raman, timpul le sterge sau nu... dupa ce pleaca... 
Sau poate nu va mai pleca! :)
Intr-o zi...

duminică, 10 octombrie 2010

I Have Also Learnt...

... that one (or more) bachelor or master degree(s) does (do) not make me a better person.
... that more money does not give more meaning to my life.
... that a louder voice does not make the others listen to me.
... that instead of living by the others' rules, listen to my instincts.
... not to repeat the same mistakes again, but to take risks and assume them.
... to love unconditionally even if I know that someday someone may break my heart.
... that it is important to have hobbies and activities that bring me joy and make me smile.
... that people who love animals are warm and have a very beautiful soul.    
... that each moment I spend complaining about my problems is a moment lost for finding the solutions.   
... that things happen with a reason and every change brings something positive in my life.

Oscar Wilde once said: "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken!".

marți, 5 octombrie 2010

Locks For Illusions

I have never believed in this kind of locks... I don't even find them romantic...
Live the present with the experience of the past and the dreams of the future...
No need for any demonstration and public proof of love...
But don't expect the other to hear the words you/I don't say...

sâmbătă, 2 octombrie 2010

Over Time...

Wet Wet Wet - Love Is All Around
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The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live. - Norman Cousins

The things I will write below are learnt from Robin Sharma's books and his conference held last Wednesday in Bucharest. Some may say that these are just words, useless and without a real application in their life. Well, we choose our path... :)

Life passes so quickly. Nothing will break your heart more than getting to the end and realizing that you lost sight of what was most important, because you were too busy being busy.

Learn to be silent. Just listen, without judging. And mostly to the one you love.

Take more risks. Better regret something you did than something you did not have the courage to do or say.

Live your life as if tomorrow is the last day...


100 19 200 acadele acasa acoperis acvariu Adriana ajutor umanitar alb/negru Alina Amsterdam Andreea Popescu Anemone anii '30 apa articol asfintit avion balon Bambi bateria intermediara 9-10 Beautiful Romania begonie Belgia Bicaz bicicleta Biloxi Blues biserica Biserica Armeneasca Bogdan botez Bran Brasov brazi Brooklyn Bridge Bruges buburuza Bucegi Bucuresti bunica cai caine Campania Contra Cancer caprioare caramizi Carmen castel Catalin F. Ceahlau Champs-Élysées Chateau du Lac Cismigiu Cluj coloane concert contre-jour copac copii Corporate Social Responsibility Craciun Creta Cristiana Cristina crocodil curcubeu curs Dalles dans Daugava dedicatie Dennis despre fotografie Diana dimineata din avion Doamna Banu Dublin editare foto elefant Elvetia energie eu excursie foto expozitie fereastra floare Florin Ghioca foc foc de tabara fort fotografie de arhitectura fotografie de noapte fotografie de produs fotoreportaj fructe frunze fulger Gara de Nord Genval George Giethoorn Guinness I learnt Iarina Demian iarna Ilinca in pauza joaca Karra Kürtöskalács lacate lalea lanterna Lav leapsa lemn Letonia Lisabona Londra Low Pressure Luci lumina macro magarus magnolia maini Manu Chao Mara Maramures mare Marea Baltica Marea Neagra margele Maria Sentes Matyas Mihai minimalism Mocanita Moeciu Mogosoaia munte Muzeul Tarancii Romane din Maramures New York City Nico nori Notre Dame de Paris oameni oameni frumosi oi ONB Palatul Brancovenesc Paris pasari paths patinoar Paul Ipate peisaj Pensiunea Eladi pescarus Piata Obor Piata Victoriei ploaie pod poezie portocale portret porumbei Praga protest Ranca rasarit raul Valtava reteta culinara Riga roata rostopasca Roxana sarma ghimpata schimbare Schoenbrunn scoici scurtaturi sepia Sigulda sine someday strada streetdance studio teatru Temerarii testoasa The Cat House The Little People Tiergarten Schönbrunn tigle Timisoara tips toamna traditii trandafiri trecere Tudor Chirila turn U.S.A. umbre urban usa valori verde Viena Vladimir workshop zgarie-nori zid