Elementele specifice arhitecturii maramuresene:
- gura de lup;
- peretii sunt imbinati in coada de randunica;
- cuie din lemn;
- arcadele simbolizeaza bolta cereasca;
- stalpii de la constructiile din lemn au forma Coloanei Infinitului.
Am intrebat si am notat, chiar daca se spune ca am o memorie buna. :) Imaginile nu surprind decat cateva dintre aceste elemente. Gura de lup se regaseste in primele si ultimele doua imagini. :)
The specific architectural elements from Maramures:
- "wolf's mouth";
- the walls are linked like a "swallow tail";
- wooden nails (I think it is used also "wooden pegs", but not pegs as feet... :));
- the arches symbolize the sky;
- the poles from the wooden constructions have the form of the Infinity Column.
I asked and then put down all the details, even if they say I have a good memory. :) The images show only some of these elements. The "wolf's mouth" can be found in the first and last two images. :)
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