duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011

Muzeul Tarancii Romane din Maramures

Muzeul s-a deschis la 21 aprilie 2001. Casa in care se afla majoritatea exponatelor a fost construita intre anii 1720-1722 din lemn de molid din Valea Bradului. Este singura casa de pe Valea Izei construita din lemn rotund pastrata pana in zilele noastre.
Muzeul Tarancii Romane din Maramures este un omagiu adus Femeii ca mama, bunica, sotie, sora si prietena si este unicul din tara.

In curtea muzeului se regasesc sculpturi din lemn ce reprezinta viata Femeii de la tinerete pana la batranete.

Muzeul nu este permanent deschis, dar oricand doriti sa il vizitati, cheia de gaseste la familia care locuieste in a doua casa pe ulita. :) Este incredibil sa il auziti pe acest taran maramuresean povestind despre istorie, traditii, obiceiuri maramuresene. Am petrecut mai bine de o ora in compania dumnealui. Un om de o bunatate iesita din comun, o puritate a sufletului cum rar mi-a fost dat sa intalnesc, o dragoste imensa fata de strabuni si fata de locurile natale, o simplitate si o modestie specifice maramuresenilor.

Din fata casei nu putea sa lipseasca "pomul cu oale". Familia care avea o fata de maritat agata o oala rosie in varf. Numarul de oale din "pom" simboliza avutia familiei respective. Daca fata fusese petita de un anume flacau din sat sau din satele vecine si nunta nu avea loc pana la plecarea flacaului in armata, oala rosie era coborata din varful "pomului". La intoarcerea la vatra, incepeau pregatirile pentru nunta. Zestrea era foarte importanta pentru orice tanara fata, obiceiurile erau respectate cu sfintenie si respectul si dragostea fata de familie si parinti erau de neclintit!

Regasiti si aici elementele specifice arhitecturii maramuresene: gura de lup, arcadele, imbinarea peretilor in forma de coada de randunica.
Este un obiectiv turistic pe care TREBUIE sa il vizitati daca ajungeti in Maramures!

sâmbătă, 29 ianuarie 2011

Horses in Maramures

I love horses! In Romanian I have my 3C ("copii, caini si cai"), in English it can be translated into CDH (children, dogs and horses). :)
Horses are so so beautiful, faithful and elegant! And they get attached so much to the people who love them!

vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

joi, 27 ianuarie 2011

Bambi And His Dear Friends :)

Lumea mea nu este perfecta! Nu este nici cea mai frumoasa, nici cea mai buna, nici cea mai armonioasa! Dar este lumea mea!... Mi-as dori ca oamenii sa se ajute mai mult, sa fie mai intelegatori si mai buni unii cu ceilalti. Nu toti suntem inzestrati cu compasiune si altruism, dar de ce unii nici macar nu incearca sa depuna un minim efort de a nu mai fi rai si egoisti si ascunsi?...
Nu, nu sunt suparata! :) Si nu, nu am avut o zi mai putin buna! :) 
Avem atatea de invatat de la necuvantatoare!!! :)

Salutari de la Bambi si dragii lui prieteni! Sunt atat de dragalasi! :)

miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2011

Architectural Elements From Maramures - Old vs. New

Elementele specifice arhitecturii maramuresene:
- gura de lup;
- peretii sunt imbinati in coada de randunica;
- cuie din lemn;
- arcadele simbolizeaza bolta cereasca;
- stalpii de la constructiile din lemn au forma Coloanei Infinitului.

Am intrebat si am notat, chiar daca se spune ca am o memorie buna. :) Imaginile nu surprind decat cateva dintre aceste elemente. Gura de lup se regaseste in primele si ultimele doua imagini. :)


The specific architectural elements from Maramures:
- "wolf's mouth";
- the walls are linked like a "swallow tail";
- wooden nails (I think it is used also "wooden pegs", but not pegs as feet... :));
- the arches symbolize the sky;
- the poles from the wooden constructions have the form of the Infinity Column.

I asked and then put down all the details, even if they say I have a good memory. :) The images show only some of these elements. The "wolf's mouth" can be found in the first and last two images. :)

luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

Mocanita - The Carpathian Forestry Steam Train

Sometimes known as "Vaser Valley Railway" the forestry railway of Viseu de Sus, located in the high North of Romania next to the border to Ukraine, is an unique technical culture asset: on a network of approximately 60 kilometers length operate - besides motor engines - up to now wood fired steam locos. The CFF Viseu de Sus, which stands for Caile Ferate Forestiere in Romanian language (forestry railway), is probably the last real operating forestry railway with steam locos.

The narrow gauge railway (with 760 mm gauge) passes with many curves, over bridges and through tunnels, next to the Vaser River into a wild romantic valley of the Romanian Carpathian Mountains. The railway opens up a great forest area without any kind of roads and villages, but where still bears and wolves live in nature. The economic use of the Vaser Valley forests started late in the beginning of the 18th century, when the area belonged to the Austrian-Hungarian empire. German speaking settlers opened up the primeval forest and rafted the wood trucks down to the saw mills in Viseu de Sus.

In 1932 started the construction of the forest railway, which was an enormous technical improvement compared to the trunk rafting. Forest railways had a big extension all over Europe, especially in the Carpathian area. The operating principles were very simple: following close to the river, in case of need with small curves (therefore the use of the narrow gauge), and constructed to enable the small locomotives pulling the empty logging cars up to the mountains and to coast down the heavy loaded trains to the saw mills.

According to the rising road transport in the 1950s and 60s the European forest railway disappeared one by one. But not in the economically backward Romania: even 1970 existed still approximately 3,000 km of forest railway lines and up to 1986 (!) still new steam locomotives were built. At the end of the 1980s still 15 CFFs with together 1,000 km were operating.

Today the CFF Viseu de Sus is the last and only operating forest railway in Europe - all other lines were put out of service. CFF Viseu de Sus is handled as a private industrial railway operated by R.G. Holz Company S.R.L. To preserve the steam locos as long as possible for tourism purpose, most of the production trains are operated with Diesel engines.

But for the pleasure of the numerous visitors the tradition of steam railways in Viseu de Sus stays alive. Tourist trains will run from May until October several times a week, except Sundays and holidays. And also around winter holidays.

On December 29th, 2010, we enjoyed a 6-hour-trip from Viseu de Sus towards Paltin (21.6 km) with several breaks for maintenance operations. :) 


It is an incredible journey nobody should miss! 

For this, please note: telephone numbers: +40(0)262.353.381; +40(0)744.686.716; website: www.cffviseu.com; email address: info@cffviseu.com.

duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

Beautiful Romania (7)

Bicaz Lake, Neamt County, Moldavia

joi, 20 ianuarie 2011

The Little People Romania - The Leader In The Fight Againist Cancer in Romania

I thought for quite a long time whether to remain low profile and go visible. After a few months, I decided for the second option. Therefore I invite the ones who have "acidic" comments or inappropriate remarks to keep them for themselves. 

A few months ago I decided to become a volunteer within The Little People Romania Association - "the leader in the fight against cancer in Romania through its efforts to empower teenage cancer survivors caught between the worlds of pediatric and adult cancer. The Associationʼs YOU CAN TOO! Campaign has been instrumental in taking action to improve the survival rates of this demographic. The Lance Armstrong Foundation applauds these acts of hope, courage and perseverance.”

I met incredible people here, Little People that make a Big Difference. The Little People is the sole Romanian service provider present in all major treatment centers in Romania (currently in Cluj, Timisoara, Bucharest and Iasi) and ensures that 80% of all children being treated for cancer in Romania will have access to volunteer psyho-social services on a daily basis.

On February 15th, 2010, the "Poti Si Tu!" wish band campaign was launched. The wish band carries the message “TEMERARII stiu ca se poate - Poti Si Tu!”. The donation for a wish band is RON 5 and by wearing it you show your support for Temerarii Club and the children who fight against cancer. Temerarii is the National Romanian Community of teenage cancer survivors!

!!! My email address (adediulescu@gmail.com) remains available for any order for wish bands. For you, for your family, your friends, your colleagues from work or from school! :)

Or you can order here: 
!!! And from the same email address you can receive the 230 Form to direct 2% of your income tax towards The Little People Association or you can download it from here! You do not have to fill in any amount in the 230 Form, therefore you can complete it with your personal identification details and contact me to collect the forms! :)

It is very difficult to describe what these great people within The Little People do every day, they are extremely involved and dedicated and hard-working and have golden souls!!! It is a bless and honor for anyone who meets them! 

Thousands of thanks to all the beautiful team from The Little People Romania!

And thank you to you all! :)

duminică, 16 ianuarie 2011

Pour les connaisseurs...

... Avenue des Champs-Élysées :) 


joi, 13 ianuarie 2011

I Play(ed) With Fire...

... and I do not regret at all, not even for a second! I think it is about taking risks and assume them. About responsibilities and chances and life and love and inner strength.
I better make mistakes and learn my lesson than wait for who knows what and do nothing.


100 19 200 acadele acasa acoperis acvariu Adriana ajutor umanitar alb/negru Alina Amsterdam Andreea Popescu Anemone anii '30 apa articol asfintit avion balon Bambi bateria intermediara 9-10 Beautiful Romania begonie Belgia Bicaz bicicleta Biloxi Blues biserica Biserica Armeneasca Bogdan botez Bran Brasov brazi Brooklyn Bridge Bruges buburuza Bucegi Bucuresti bunica cai caine Campania Contra Cancer caprioare caramizi Carmen castel Catalin F. Ceahlau Champs-Élysées Chateau du Lac Cismigiu Cluj coloane concert contre-jour copac copii Corporate Social Responsibility Craciun Creta Cristiana Cristina crocodil curcubeu curs Dalles dans Daugava dedicatie Dennis despre fotografie Diana dimineata din avion Doamna Banu Dublin editare foto elefant Elvetia energie eu excursie foto expozitie fereastra floare Florin Ghioca foc foc de tabara fort fotografie de arhitectura fotografie de noapte fotografie de produs fotoreportaj fructe frunze fulger Gara de Nord Genval George Giethoorn Guinness I learnt Iarina Demian iarna Ilinca in pauza joaca Karra Kürtöskalács lacate lalea lanterna Lav leapsa lemn Letonia Lisabona Londra Low Pressure Luci lumina macro magarus magnolia maini Manu Chao Mara Maramures mare Marea Baltica Marea Neagra margele Maria Sentes Matyas Mihai minimalism Mocanita Moeciu Mogosoaia munte Muzeul Tarancii Romane din Maramures New York City Nico nori Notre Dame de Paris oameni oameni frumosi oi ONB Palatul Brancovenesc Paris pasari paths patinoar Paul Ipate peisaj Pensiunea Eladi pescarus Piata Obor Piata Victoriei ploaie pod poezie portocale portret porumbei Praga protest Ranca rasarit raul Valtava reteta culinara Riga roata rostopasca Roxana sarma ghimpata schimbare Schoenbrunn scoici scurtaturi sepia Sigulda sine someday strada streetdance studio teatru Temerarii testoasa The Cat House The Little People Tiergarten Schönbrunn tigle Timisoara tips toamna traditii trandafiri trecere Tudor Chirila turn U.S.A. umbre urban usa valori verde Viena Vladimir workshop zgarie-nori zid