sâmbătă, 17 august 2013

Live Your Love!

Life is not white and black, not even for a moment. It has IFs and smiles and tears and then you are alive. Colors make it beautiful.
We have the power to decide. We want to live or we let our soul die, even if our body continues its existence.
The greatest gift we received is Love. Fences are easier to overpass, distance becomes shorter, life has a meaning.
We find the strength in ourselves as long as we love. Nothing is too difficult, nothing is impossible. Sometimes it takes a little bit longer, but Love is a miracle and I do believe that each of us has a Soulmate in this world. We feel when he/she comes, without any doubt.
Not always we understand everything, sometimes we do not understand anything... but we have no doubt.
This is the miracle called Love.

duminică, 12 mai 2013

Lucky to love...

If only I could have the eyes to see all the beauty around me. If only I could enjoy all the miracles from day-to-day life. This evening I heard an interview with Queen Ana of Romania. She said something like... Yesterday is past, you cannot have it back... Tomorrow is uncertain, you will see... But you have today and live the moment. Not doing extreme things every day or anything alike, but live your life in present.
From all the gifts we have ever received, love is the greatest one. We make mistakes, we are not perfect, but we have the power to love above everything and anything. And to be loved million times more. Stronger as years go by! 
Those words "together for good and for worse" have a meaning that many forget after years. While they should be present in every answer, every action and reaction, every touch. It's a promise you make with your heart and soul, respect it!
We use to wait for the week to pass so weekend comes, we use to wait for the rain to end so sun shows up again, we use to wait instead of enjoying... 
Enjoy spring! Enjoy summer! Enjoy nature! Enjoy love!

luni, 6 mai 2013

Following a kind request of a friend... :)

"Eu sustin Vama sub lumini de Oscar

Vama sub lumini de Oscar 2013
„Vama sub lumini de Oscar”, cel mai liber festival de fotografie, a ajuns la editia a IV-a si vă asteaptă între 16 si 24 august 2013 în Vama Veche, pentru a trăi experiente unice si a cunoaste oameni exceptionali. Si pentru că si în acest an dorim să dăm sansa cât mai multor pasionati să ia parte la cursuri, înscrierea la festival rămâne liberă, fără costuri de participare.
În acest an festivalul va avea trei sectiuni distincte: fotografie, film/video si târg de echipamente.
Cursurile teoretice si cele practice vor fi construite pe 9 teme diferite sustinute de lectori specializati în fiecare dintre domeniile abordate.

Urban Photography – lector Vlad Eftenie
Erotic Photography – lector Cristian Crisbăsan
Fashion Photography – lector Bogdan Năstase
Food Photography – lector Cătălin Săvulescu
Wedding Photography – lector Marian Sterea
Image Editing – lector Luca Achim
Low Light Photography – lector Cosmin Somesan
Aviation Photography – lector Andrei Zincenco
Industrial Photography – lector Mareck Czarnecki

În premieră va fi sustinut si un curs de „Tehnică fotografică” care se va întinde pe o perioada decinci zile si va fi sustinut atât de lectorii implicati în festival, cât si de departamentele tehnice ale Nikon, Dedolight, Sunbounce, Kinoflo etc.
Seminariile vor avea teme extrem de interesante si vor fi sustinute de:

Mareck Czarnecki – Digigraphie
Vlad Eftenie – Introducere în istoria fotografiei
Mihalis Moscholios – Henri Cartier Bresson – 10 lessons to learn…and/or ignore as outdated!
Nicolae Cosniceru – Fotograful amator, profesionist sau artist
Raluca Bogdan – Branding pentru fotografi
Florin Ghioca – Fotografia în zone de conflict

Pentru că VSLO sustine artistii tineri, vernisajele vor avea ca exponenti atât fotografi consacrati,cât si fotografi debutanti. În total, la "Vama sub lumini de Oscar" vor fi 15 vernisaje, printate cu sprijinul Epson România.
Proiectiile de fotografie vor avea loc în fiecare seară si vor fi, de asemenea, dedicate artistilor tineri.
Modulul de film/video, prezent pentru prima dată în cadrul festivalului „Vama sub lumini de Oscar” îsi propune combinarea unor cursuri teoretice si practice de regie, imagine si lumini, sunet si editare. Lectorii sunt reprezentati de:

Slava Cebotari – cel mai cunoscut DOP din Republica Moldova
Thomas Diseth – DOP din Norvegia, câstigător al unui premiu Emmy pentru film documentar
Bogdan Petrascu – editor Antena 1
Eduard Schneider – producător independent de reclame, documentare si clipuri muzicale
Dinu Margarint – DOP Televiziunea Română etc.

Echipamentele necesare desfăsurării workshop-ului vor fi puse la dispozitie de Nikon, Toshiba, Dedolight, 4K Broadcast Solutions, Sunbounce, A.F. Marcotec, Scheider Production.
Târgul de echipamente va reuni cele mai mari nume din domeniu foto/video si va avea loc pe toată perioada evenimentului. Vor exista oameni specializati care vor putea răspunde la orice întrebare de natură tehnică si, de asemenea, va exista un punct de „închiriere” a unor echipamente.
Pentru detalii si noutăti accesati www.vslo.ro. "

Success and may it be a great event! :)

vineri, 8 martie 2013

Have you ever...?

Have you ever met anyone who gave you the feeling that he/she was not real?
Have you ever thought about anyone trying to find some bad sides and not to be able to find any, after a long period of time?
Have you ever kept telling yourself "he/she is a true, real person!", but still not to find connections with this world?
Have you ever been surprised by anyone each and every day with his/her generosity, kindness, care, love, friendship, strength, honesty, respect, understanding, calmness, beauty, heart, soul, mind?
Have you ever really...?
Are you real?

duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013


We are so small creatures in this world. We don't need skyscrapers to notice it, take a look in the street and it's right there.
I have the feeling that, in general, people think that the bigger the better. Is it? A bigger building, a bigger house, a bigger car, a bigger... everything...
Are we happier? Do material things compensate the rest?
Dreams, hope, faith, energy, love!

duminică, 13 ianuarie 2013

marți, 8 ianuarie 2013


Apartment, house, office, restaurant, car... different shapes, but we spend so much of our life in boxes!
I would love to turn nature into one of my best friends! Sometimes the meaning of "outside" is much more better than "inside"!
And something funny I received today via email, together with a frog's "portrait": 
"I'm going to stand outside, so if anyone asks I am outstanding!". :) It simply made my day! Thanks! :)

luni, 7 ianuarie 2013

The way

Easy and hard... but never give up... it's your way!
I followed my way... I met your way... and we both walk now on our way! :)

joi, 3 ianuarie 2013


Dreams are some of the very good things that happen to us! Don't be afraid to dream! 
Robin Sharma (again Robin Sharma... :)) says that if people aren't laughing at your dreams, your dreams aren't big enough!
Dream about tomorrow, live today! 
Dream about a better world and do something to change it! You will not change the world, but if we all gather our powers, we can do it! Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results! (Robin Sharma) :)
Dreams are free! Free your mind!

miercuri, 2 ianuarie 2013

We all have our star...

... and there is a fairy-tale for each of us!

I wrote and said it many times. If we really want something from the bottom of our heart, the entire Universe "works" for our dream to come true! I still believe it!
Positive thinking has a great contribution to all the good things that happen to us day by day.
We don't have to put down on a list hundreds of objectives. We will get tired just writing them and really exhausted reading then the list. Almost impossible to follow even 20% of them...
The ideal number is 10. 
Every year my list has 10 objectives out of which 1 top priority. All of them are easy to be measured and almost all are immaterial. I have been doing this exercise for 4 years already and it works. During the year re-visit your list, try to mark for each position a "success-rate".
Robin Sharma uses to say that the best moment to change something and become the greatest was long time ago. The second best moment to do it is now!
We use to complain about the world, about the environment, about the others... we should be the change that we look around us!

We all have our lucky star! I found mine! :)


100 19 200 acadele acasa acoperis acvariu Adriana ajutor umanitar alb/negru Alina Amsterdam Andreea Popescu Anemone anii '30 apa articol asfintit avion balon Bambi bateria intermediara 9-10 Beautiful Romania begonie Belgia Bicaz bicicleta Biloxi Blues biserica Biserica Armeneasca Bogdan botez Bran Brasov brazi Brooklyn Bridge Bruges buburuza Bucegi Bucuresti bunica cai caine Campania Contra Cancer caprioare caramizi Carmen castel Catalin F. Ceahlau Champs-Élysées Chateau du Lac Cismigiu Cluj coloane concert contre-jour copac copii Corporate Social Responsibility Craciun Creta Cristiana Cristina crocodil curcubeu curs Dalles dans Daugava dedicatie Dennis despre fotografie Diana dimineata din avion Doamna Banu Dublin editare foto elefant Elvetia energie eu excursie foto expozitie fereastra floare Florin Ghioca foc foc de tabara fort fotografie de arhitectura fotografie de noapte fotografie de produs fotoreportaj fructe frunze fulger Gara de Nord Genval George Giethoorn Guinness I learnt Iarina Demian iarna Ilinca in pauza joaca Karra Kürtöskalács lacate lalea lanterna Lav leapsa lemn Letonia Lisabona Londra Low Pressure Luci lumina macro magarus magnolia maini Manu Chao Mara Maramures mare Marea Baltica Marea Neagra margele Maria Sentes Matyas Mihai minimalism Mocanita Moeciu Mogosoaia munte Muzeul Tarancii Romane din Maramures New York City Nico nori Notre Dame de Paris oameni oameni frumosi oi ONB Palatul Brancovenesc Paris pasari paths patinoar Paul Ipate peisaj Pensiunea Eladi pescarus Piata Obor Piata Victoriei ploaie pod poezie portocale portret porumbei Praga protest Ranca rasarit raul Valtava reteta culinara Riga roata rostopasca Roxana sarma ghimpata schimbare Schoenbrunn scoici scurtaturi sepia Sigulda sine someday strada streetdance studio teatru Temerarii testoasa The Cat House The Little People Tiergarten Schönbrunn tigle Timisoara tips toamna traditii trandafiri trecere Tudor Chirila turn U.S.A. umbre urban usa valori verde Viena Vladimir workshop zgarie-nori zid